What are the steps of sheet metal processing?

In the current production operation, what are the main steps of our more common sheet metal processing technology? The main steps of perfect sheet metal processing include: sheet metal processing drawing design, laser processing or (CNC stamping), bending, welding forming, electrostatic spraying or (liquid coating), and finally packaging and transportation.

First of all, in sheet metal processing, sheet metal processing drawing design mainly refers to measuring, designing and expanding according to the drawings or samples provided by customers, and finally forming a processing assembly drawing and submitting it to the production processing department. In sheet metal processing or laser processing, we can cut carbon steel, stainless steel and other materials, and use laser cutting. After the processing of the workpiece section neat, smooth, beautiful, accurate size. For workpieces with arcs, it has more advantages and is a processing method that cannot be replaced by regular CNC stamping.

In addition, in the CNC stamping process of sheet metal processing, it is mainly used for some thinner materials. Generally, materials smaller than 2.5mm are more suitable. For workpieces with more holes or special molds (such as male and female molds) that need to be processed, CNC stamping has a certain cost advantage when the batch is large.

In sheet metal processing, bending is also an essential part. Usually after the workpiece is prepared, it usually needs to be bent and shaped to provide good assurance for subsequent welding and assembly.

In addition, in sheet metal processing technology, welding forming will also have an important impact on product quality. Under normal circumstances, it is usually necessary to assemble and shape the workpiece after loading the material. There are many assembly methods, some are directly formed by non-welding processes, such as screws and riveting. Most of the sheet metal of the mechanical shell is welded, so the workpiece is relatively strong and beautiful.

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Matters needing attention in the development of sheet metal processing industry

In today's economic situation, the development of many industries is difficult. The development of the sheet metal processing industry naturally also has many obstacles. In order to break through the shackles of the existing economic situation, we must grasp every step of our own development. Strive to achieve the sustainable development of the industry, for the sheet metal processing industry, if they want to occupy their own market in the existing market environment, then they must know what they should change and achieve a breakthrough in their own industry.

What are the requirements of precision sheet metal processing for processing materials?

Different precision sheet metal shell need to use different precision sheet metal processing materials to process, is to use stainless steel, or ordinary cold rolled plate, which need to consider the requirements of the precision sheet metal parts to be processed to determine.

What is the process flow of sheet metal processing?

After the drawings are obtained, different blanking methods are selected according to the expansion drawings and batches, including laser, numerical control punching machine, plate shearing, mold and other methods, and then the corresponding expansion is made according to the drawings. CNC punching machine is affected by the cutting tool, for the processing of some special-shaped workpieces and irregular holes, there will be large burrs on the edge, which will have a certain impact on the accuracy of the workpiece. Laser processing has no tool limit and smooth section, which is suitable for the processing of special-shaped workpieces, but it takes a long time to process small workpieces. The workbench is placed next to the numerical control and laser, which is conducive to the processing of the sheet metal on the machine and reduces the workload of lifting the sheet. Some available edge materials are placed in designated places to provide materials for bending test molds.