What are the requirements of precision sheet metal processing for processing materials?

Different precision sheet metal shell need to use different precision sheet metal processing materials to process, is to use stainless steel, or ordinary cold rolled plate, which need to consider the requirements of the precision sheet metal parts to be processed to determine.

Different materials have different wear resistance and corrosion resistance, and precision sheet metal processing must take this into account.

The welding process of precision sheet metal shell needs to use a certain process, and these processes need to control various parameters and structures. And different welding processes need to present the degree of difficulty of welding is not the same. In the process of precision sheet metal processing, it is necessary to select the corresponding precision sheet metal material, because not all materials can be welded. Therefore, in the process of precision sheet metal shell processing, it is necessary to select welding materials on the basis of meeting the precision sheet metal shell, and at the same time, there are many welding methods that need to be paid attention.

There are many sheet metal materials suitable for stamping processing. Precision sheet metal manufacturing materials include:

1. Ordinary cold-rolled plate SPCC SPCC refers to steel ingots that are continuously rolled into steel plate coils or sheets of required thickness by cold rolling mills. SPCC surface without any protection, exposed to the air is very easy to be oxidized, especially in a humid environment, the oxidation rate is accelerated, dark red rust, in the use of the surface to paint, electroplating or other protection.

2. The substrate of galvanized steel sheet SECC SECC is a general cold-rolled steel coil, which becomes an electro-galvanized product after degreasing, pickling, electroplating and various post-treatment processes in the continuous electro-galvanized production line. SECC not only has the mechanical properties and approximate workability of general cold-rolled steel sheets, but also has excellent corrosion resistance and decorative appearance. In the electronic products, home appliances and furniture market has a great competitive and alternative. For example, currently commonly used computer chassis is SECC.

3. Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet SGCC hot-dip galvanized steel coil refers to a semi-finished product after hot-rolled, pickled or cold-rolled, cleaned, annealed, immersed in a molten zinc tank with a temperature of about 460°C, so that the steel sheet is plated with a zinc layer, and then tempered, leveled and chemically treated. SGCC material is harder than SECC material, poor ductility (avoid deep drawing design), thicker zinc layer and poor electric weldability.

4. Stainless steel SUS301 Cr (chromium) content is lower than SUS304, corrosion resistance is poor, but after cold working can get good tension and hardness, good elasticity, more used for spring and anti EMI.

5. Stainless steel SUS304 is one of the most widely used stainless steel, because of containing Ni (nickel) so than containing Cr (chromium) steel is rich in corrosion resistance, heat resistance, has very good mechanical properties, no heat treatment hardening phenomenon, no elasticity.

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Matters needing attention in the development of sheet metal processing industry

In today's economic situation, the development of many industries is difficult. The development of the sheet metal processing industry naturally also has many obstacles. In order to break through the shackles of the existing economic situation, we must grasp every step of our own development. Strive to achieve the sustainable development of the industry, for the sheet metal processing industry, if they want to occupy their own market in the existing market environment, then they must know what they should change and achieve a breakthrough in their own industry.

What are the requirements of precision sheet metal processing for processing materials?

Different precision sheet metal shell need to use different precision sheet metal processing materials to process, is to use stainless steel, or ordinary cold rolled plate, which need to consider the requirements of the precision sheet metal parts to be processed to determine.

What is the process flow of sheet metal processing?

After the drawings are obtained, different blanking methods are selected according to the expansion drawings and batches, including laser, numerical control punching machine, plate shearing, mold and other methods, and then the corresponding expansion is made according to the drawings. CNC punching machine is affected by the cutting tool, for the processing of some special-shaped workpieces and irregular holes, there will be large burrs on the edge, which will have a certain impact on the accuracy of the workpiece. Laser processing has no tool limit and smooth section, which is suitable for the processing of special-shaped workpieces, but it takes a long time to process small workpieces. The workbench is placed next to the numerical control and laser, which is conducive to the processing of the sheet metal on the machine and reduces the workload of lifting the sheet. Some available edge materials are placed in designated places to provide materials for bending test molds.